Sunday, December 20, 2009

Boo! Happy Halloween 2009 (better late then never)

carnival games!

Boys love inflatables and there were about 30...oh and did I mention it was about 160 degrees outside? this is why we waited to get in our costumes.

The Loot!
This could be very bad...meaghers on sugar!!

Collin the Pirate?(minus the puffy shirt, hook, hat, boots, sword, and all the other things I shopped for that he would NOT put on the night of).

Charlie LOVED his spider costume...Chase wanted his off!

Little puppy Chase

Here comes the cutest boys ever!

Happy Halloween!

Costumes, Candy, and Late night...that sounds like fun! We had a great time with our friends for Halloween this year it all started with a "fair" at a local church then we went trick or treating in a friends neighborhood. The boys really loved the whole door to door experience and kept having me feel how "heavy" their candy bags were getting...ahh!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sorry Friends!

I know...I know ...I am the worst blogger ever but life just seems to get in the way (not to mention that I can not type) but my friend Summer has truly inspired me to try again...she continues to have faith in me (over and over) so here we go again!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Happy Birthday Super Charlie! 5!
Charlie is five! Wow how can it be that our big boy is already 5? Seems like just yesterday we found out we where having out first little boy! What a JOY he has been in our lives! Such a sweet boy with such a loving heart! (and as silly as his mommy and daddy)! Charlie still loves bugs and nature and wants to be a "bug scientist" when he grows up. He wanted a super hero party this year so we rented out the local Gym and asked the guest to dress as their favorite super hero. We even had a wonderful surprise when spider man came to save the day! We Love you Char Char...happy birthday!

We let the kids pick what they want mommy to make for diner on their birthday and they get to eat off the "birthday plate". we asked charlie what he wanted his birthday meal to be and his very quick answer was Steak and Lobster....after we had a good laugh we headed to publix (the rest of the family ate chicken)!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Collin turns 3!

Our sweet Collie Bear turns 3! In August he had a Nemo "pool party" with his buddies (all turning 3 in July and Aug)! This was the invite picture for the big bash. The boys asked for stuffed animals for foster kids instead of gifts, what an awesome feeling seeing 4 little boys load up animals for other kids and not even question it! Collin has been such a blessing to us....with such a "dramatic" first month of life it is a wonder we could have ever imagined God would not heal him! He makes us laugh every day with his quick wit and silly faces! He loves to dress up as any animal or super hero and stay that way all day! He chooses ran boots to wear to school on sunny days and flip flops in a storm (fashion police please stay away) it is one of our favorite things to wait and see what he walks out of his room wearing and then hearing why he thinks "it matches"! We love you so much Collie..Happy Birthday big man!

Friday, May 29, 2009

blog...oh that's why

just figured out today why to do a blog..."mommy tell me about when I was a baby"... From the mouth of my lil man Charlie! I have pledged to do this more because my memory is so bad and because i never have time to scrap book....and because I want to tell and show charlie in 5, 10, 15 years how awesome he was!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Busy Easter with 3 Boys!sorry can't figure out
how to flip these photos Ready for Eater Service

Memere got the boys...big boy shoes and outfits for church

Thank you Easter Bunny!

Boys loved coloring eggs this year and the "crayon trick" was a big hit!

I got this lil bunny outfit when I was pregnant with Char Char for $2 and have had so much fun having each lil man get an Easter photo as our lil bunny! Could you just eat him up?

those lil toes! yummy!

What a blessing to have these 3 boys to share our Lords Resurrection with! Here are some photos of our silly little men Charlie 4 Collin 2 Chase 4mths

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Christmas 2008
Some photos I have wanted to share from Dec 08
Nana and Memere took the boys on the "polar express" and they had a blast!

Our sweet neighbors set up a Nativity every year
and we have a neighborhood "play" is sooo cute..just had to share. This year my boys kept stealing the baby Jesus.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My 3 Sons!

one of my fav pics of "the chaseter"
Charlie loves him sooo much...he just keeps saying "mom, baby chase is so cute"

I love these boys so much and can't believe
I am a "Boy Mom"! I love it!

Halloween 2008

these are out of order but i just needed everyone to see how cute these lil men looked as cowboy and Indian..they had such a blast this year. It was fun to see them both get into "character". We went to our friends church where they had bounce houses and games...sooo fun! Grandpa was here to visit.

Chase is here!

Welcome sweet baby
Chase Arthur Meagher
We named him after my wonderful grandfather Arthur LeClerc who went to be with my grandmother in heaven last Oct. I pray Chase will be just like him!
What a sweet precious joy you are as a little brother and baby boy! The "big brothers" love you so much!

i am back!

I am horrible at this stuff...but here i go again..i am tryin