Thursday, August 7, 2008

Charlie is Making me Smile!

As you Know my lil man Charlie is turning 4 next week! It is hard to believe that 4 yrs have past since i first felt him move in my belly! what a gift our first born has been! He is at the age where he makes me smile with cute lil comments all day as he tries to figure out the world...thought i would share some with you:

Collin was eating broccoli and charlie patted him on the back and said "good boy collie eat your "trees"...just don't eat the one in the CENTER of the garden"

Out of the blue in the car "Mommy will we see Adam and Eve when we go to heaven?"

While eating dinner charlie shared "if my friends ask me to jump on the couch...i gonna run away from that sin"

Collin was trying to do something and needed a lil help "it's OK buddy, I am bigger now I can help"

"mommy remember Collie was a baby last morning? Now God is giving us another one!"

I thank God every day for my lil men!
we have been doing a "Family time bible study at night once a week and it has been so great. It is designed for Preschoolers:
Our book is called Wiggles, Giggles, and Popcorn
If you are looking for something fun for the lil ones I recommend it!


Summer said...

Those are hysterical...I think he has your sense of humor!!!

jess said...

hilarious! reminds me of my boys!
just saw the beach pic of you on summer's blog. you are a beautiful pregnant woman!