Saturday, July 18, 2009

Collin turns 3!

Our sweet Collie Bear turns 3! In August he had a Nemo "pool party" with his buddies (all turning 3 in July and Aug)! This was the invite picture for the big bash. The boys asked for stuffed animals for foster kids instead of gifts, what an awesome feeling seeing 4 little boys load up animals for other kids and not even question it! Collin has been such a blessing to us....with such a "dramatic" first month of life it is a wonder we could have ever imagined God would not heal him! He makes us laugh every day with his quick wit and silly faces! He loves to dress up as any animal or super hero and stay that way all day! He chooses ran boots to wear to school on sunny days and flip flops in a storm (fashion police please stay away) it is one of our favorite things to wait and see what he walks out of his room wearing and then hearing why he thinks "it matches"! We love you so much Collie..Happy Birthday big man!

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